
But we cannot do this alone. We need you. We need your voice, your passion, and your commitment to making a difference
- Nikila Gibson, President
Dear residents of Suisun City, Fairfield, and Vacaville, it is such a privilege to stand before you today as the President of the Tri-City Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
For over 45 years, the Tri-City NAACP has been a steadfast force for positive change in our communities. Since its establishment in March 1976, our organization has been steadfast in its commitment to promoting social justice, equality, and diversity for all residents.
In these times, the need for change is more pressing than ever. We face challenges in our communities, from environmental racism to a lack of opportunities for our youth. But I stand here today to tell you that we have the power to create a brighter future. Together, we can make a difference.
With this in mind, the Tri-City NAACP has set its sights on three key priorities for this year:
* Environmental Justice
*Youth Empowerment
*Community Awareness
Our first priority, Environmental Justice, will raise awareness about environmental racism and its effects on Black communities and other diverse communities.
Our second priority, Youth Empowerment, will engage and support the growth and well-being of our youth through various opportunities for comprehensive youth development and civic engagement. We believe that investing in our young people is essential for the future of our communities.
Finally, our third priority, Community Awareness, will make Tri-City a hub for information and news relevant to our Black communities and other diverse communities. We will be a reliable source of information and a voice for our communities, and we will work to ensure that residents have access to the resources they need to succeed.
But we cannot do this alone. We need you. We need your voice, your passion, and your commitment to making a difference. Joining the Tri-City NAACP offers numerous benefits, including the opportunity to be a part of a dynamic community with a rich history of advocating for positive change in our communities.
So I invite you, residents, to join us. Let us work together to create a brighter future for our communities. Let us continue the legacy of the Tri-City NAACP and be the change that we wish to see in the world. Together, we can make a difference. Thank you